Friday, May 18, 2012

How to Treat Hemorrhoids?

The most widespread question between people with hemorrhoid is “How to Treat Hemorrhoids?” You can find the answer in the following article. Hemorrhoids are very-very unpleasant disease and it is so painful that you can't stand or sit comfortably. There is always the fear that you are bleeding all over the back of your pants. Let alone the uncomfortable feeling from the inside out of itching and burning. You feel like there is nothing you can do to these feelings. Going to the bathroom isn't even an option because of the pain. Are you tired of eating and having those hemorrhoids blaze up again? We are going to learn how to treat hemorrhoids.
So, you need to know how do you get hemorrhoids: in order to cure it, you must first know what they are. Hemorrhoids are when the veins in your anal canal become swollen. It happens internally and externally. Internal hemorrhoids are when the veins on the inside of the anal canal become irritated and swollen. External hemorrhoids get its place when the veins closest to the opening of the anal canal are swollen. One can have both types at the same time. These swollen veins cause hemorrhoids when there is too much pressure on the veins. Hemorrhoids can happen if you stress during a bowel movement. Diarrhea, constipation, overweight, and pregnancy are some of the causes of hemorrhoid infections.
 Then, you must know the symptoms of hemorrhoids before learning how to treat hemorrhoids. Signs of a hemorrhoid infection can include red veinlet of blood on your toilet paper after a bowel movement, pain in the rectum, and itching of the anus. The symptoms of either internal or external hemorrhoids are the same. While hemorrhoids are painful and curable sometimes there can be more serious problems. You may want to visit your doctor to get sure there isn't a more underlying problem.
 Now we are going to learn how to cure hemorrhoids. Changing of your diet and using of hemorrhoid cream can clear up those mild cases. With this being said you need to include foods higher in fiber. Fiber will help to make your rectal muscles and veins strength. Fiber you ate also helps to soften the stools to make bowel movements easier and relieve some of the pressure. You should eat more fruits, vegetables and drink more water. Water makes all body functions more efficient, the passageway for your stools is included too. Water is a treatment for hemorrhoids itself.
 Changing your diet is a great way how to treat hemorrhoids. However, when you have hemorrhoids, a special diet will not give the relief. When hemorrhoids are disease of your treatments of choice will be one of many creams or suppositories available. If your hemorrhoid is external you will use a cream, if yours are internal one, a suppository is the best hemorrhoid treatment for you. When using these creams and suppositories, start with the smallest dose and work your way up. These type treatments are meant only for a short time. If these short term treatments will not work, go to your family doctor about further treatments.
 In most cases, the first way is a method in which rubber bands knots around the hemorrhoid. This works by reducing the blood supply to the infected area so that the hemorrhoid will rid itself of the infection. This cure will have you up and going within a few days, although it is quite embarrassing as you would feel totally unprotected in the most unpleasant posture. It is only effective if your hemorrhoids are small enough to handle. These are the main methods how to treat hemorrhoids.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What causes hemorrhoids?

What causes hemorrhoids is a very common question that bothers people throughout the world who suffer from this illness. There are a vast number of cases of hemorrhoids, and a large variety of factors that may enable this condition.
One of the most common reasons for hemorrhoids is constipation. When a person is constipated it caused a great level of straining of the bowel movements, therefore putting a large amount of pressure onto the rectal area, which as a result make the veins to swell. This swelling is a number one cause for hemorrhoids. The issue that enables constipation is the issue of unhealthy eating regime. Therefore it is important to maintain a healthy diet and avoid foods that result in constipation. Dehydration is another factor that may also contribute to having problems with the stool.
Diarrhea is as bad as constipation when trying to avoid hemorrhoid. It may also cause an excessive amount of pressure on the pelvic veins.
Age as well may be an important factor in developing this condition. Together with a sitting lifestyle age may be responsible for developing hemorrhoids because as we become older, our muscles become looser and therefore make any amount of pressure onto the rectal area potentially dangerous.
Another very important cause of hemorrhoids is prolonged sitting. Thus people who have desk jobs and sit for most of the day are known to be a high-risk group in being affected by this illness. Although avoiding hemorrhoids when having a sitting job might seem hopeless, it’s really not. Whether you believe it or not, but such little steps as stretching and taking some time, even a couple of minutes to stand up regularly can substantially decrease the odds of ever getting the hemorrhoids. Keeping an active lifestyle is also a key concept in avoiding hemorrhoids and the lack of which may contribute to its development.
What causes hemorrhoids may originally be a very pleasant experience, such as pregnancy. The weight that the women gain while being pregnant, and as a result additional pressure to the rectum are responsible for the condition of hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
People who are into heavy-lifting should also be aware that it may result in hemorrhoids. In this case the heave-lifting which may be seen in all types of different professions requires the constant strain on the bodies, and that may lead to the unpleasant illness.
Maintaining accurate hygiene is essential in combination with the other factors when talking about the causes of hemorrhoids. When the hygiene is being neglected it may be potentially unsafe.
Alongside all of the above factors there are some that are very difficult to control, such as genetic predisposition. Some people have genetic vein weakness and their blood vessels are very sensitive to pressure, either internal or external. These people are the risk group for thrombosed hemorrhoids.
Obesity is often called to be one of the main triggers of this ilness. It has the same effect as in pregnant women. People who suffer from obesity and already have hemorrhoids need to avoid prolonged sitting as they can aggravate their condition.
What causes hemorrhoids can easily be avoided with simple measures in the majority of cases.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Natural hemorrhoid treatment

Natural hemorrhoid treatment can also bring effective results in solving this unpleasant problem. By the way such remedies almost don’t have side effects, that’s why they don’t do any harm for the health. Sometimes they are even able to avoid such complicated procedure as surgery. It is always necessary to take natural hemorrhoid treatment longer than simple medicines for getting positive results. But their effect is always very good.
Natural medicines are made of special plants and are prescribed to treat or to prevent hemorrhoid. There are many of them, which are strongly recommended by the doctors. Barberry Aristata cleans the blood. It is very useful for the body, especial for liver. This plant also creates necessary microbe balance, which helps to treat disease.
Butcher’s Broom helps not only to treat hemorrhoids, but also to cure problems with the veins in all the body.
Witch hazel is one more natural cure. It treats stretched veins and reduces inflammation and irritation, which is usually caused by the hemorrhoids. It exists like a cream or a liquid. This treatment is used for three or four times a day. It can be taking for some month until all the symptoms will be removed completely. By the way, this remedy is very cheap and it doesn’t require doctor’s prescription. It can be bought in any drugstore.
Aloe Vera is a very popular natural medicine. It helps to treat a lot of complicated diseases. It will be also very effective in the fight with hemorrhoid. It is important to know, that this natural remedy helps to get rid of the terrible burning pain, which is usually provoked by this illness. Juice of this plant can be also drunk, because it helps to make immune system stronger. And it is one more condition for the quick recovery.
Many doctors recommend using garlic during the cure. This is very effective natural hemorrhoid treatment, because it helps to remove bacteria from the body. It also soothes the pain, caused by the disease.
Pilewort is also very important for the treatment herb. It helps to stop bleeding, which always appears as the result of hemorrhoid. It makes stronger the blood vessels, because they are always damaged during this disease. Such liquid is usually alcohol-based. But sometimes it exist like simple tea, so patient can chose that type, which will be more comfortable for him.
Another natural treatment, which is strongly recommended by doctors, is a powder of collinsonia root. It is considered to be one of the best remedies. It reduces inflammation of the veins. The irritation, which always brings a lot of suffering for the people is also removed by this remedy. Collinsonia root is prescribed for blood vessels’ treatment too.
White oat bark is recommended for the tissues of the skin, because it helps to get rid of inflammation. In most cases it exists like a liquid.
Venapro is a very popular natural treatment for hemorrhoid. It cures the injured skin tissue. This process heals irritation. Venarol reduces inflammation, that’s why people don’t feel so terrible pain. It also makes blood vessels stronger. Positive results of such treatment appear very quickly. Venapro doesn’t provoke harmful side effects.